"Acquaintance," a Regency, was comic relief after my first book, "The Scattered Proud," a coming-of-age historical set in post-Revolutionary France. "Acquaintance" is also a novella. So are "Ferial Day" and "Master Warrick," two ventures into alternative history that have surprise endings. I like the shorter form, which compels a writer to say more within a smaller space. Said one reviewer of "Master
Warrick," a medieval alternative history, "A huge amount is packed into such a short (novella length) piece of writing, it has depths that make many full-length novels seem shallow."
Speaking of short forms, there's also "The Grave-Coverist," a short ghost story that shows it's not the living's memories of the dead that keep the dead alive.
So please do have a look! All my work is on Amazon, and I like to think there's something for everyone. Well, almost everyone! I don't write mysteries or police procedurals or thrillers or hard romance or elves-and-dragons fantasy. At least I haven't written any yet. One never knows, especially if I could write something like "For the Burnable Cities!" Links for the US and the UK are in the column on the right. Meanwhile, be sure to stop back. I'll be posting excerpts in the days leading up to the holidays!
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